Thursday, June 23, 2011

I need a Vacation

I have not been on vacation in almost a year now. I can't believe it. I am starting to feel the heaviness of stagnancy steeping into my life. I am usually traveling almost every 3 months to somewhere so for me to have been in the same place for almost a year. Well that is dishearten. I have taking a few day trips and made a trip in November to my grandparents house for their 60th anniversary. That was fun, but I have not went to a new city just to explore or shop, or lay on a beach with my favorite books for a week straight. UGGG I need a break. Unfortunately I do not see a vacation anywhere in my near future. I have a busy year planned and it doesn't leave much time for fun, but maybe I should take a three 3day weekend and hit the beach or something.

Well since I can't go on vacation right now I decided to share a few pictures from my trip to Boston a while back... Enjoy


  1. We are in the same boat. I am dying for a vacation. I too, am always exploring new cities, but I haven't since March! Maybe you can play tourist in your own city? Visit some places you've never been. Sometimes that helps calm my wanderlust :)

  2. @onepercentofone...yeah maybe exploring my city may calm my wanderlust. Weekend activity maybe?

  3. I am right there with you. I most definitely need a vacation, even if it is just a weekend trip to the mountains.
